Privacy statement and accessibility

U Ethical is a social enterprise of the Uniting Church in Australia governed by an independent board.

The terms and conditions of investment in all of U Ethical’s trusts, funds and portfolios are governed by Australian legislation.

U Ethical aims to comply with the Privacy Act and the Australian Privacy Principles. It is committed to providing products and services in a manner which ensures your right to privacy is respected.

Our privacy policy governs how we collect, use and disclose personal information. The policy is accessible and can be downloaded here or otherwise requested by using the contact details below.

Section 5 of the policy deals specifically with how your personal information will be treated as you interact with our website.


As a member of the community, U Ethical makes every effort to ensure that we do not discriminate against any person or group, including through the use of our website.

Web accessibility means building and maintaining websites that are accessible to the entire community Through better development and maintenance practices they make it easier for every client to access the products or services offered.

Every visitor to a website benefits from a more usable and more accessible website. However, for some users, websites built without considering accessibility standards are unusable, and illegal. Such user groups include:

  • The growing ageing population
  • Users with anti-virus/anti-spyware software or older software/hardware
  • Users with vision or motor disabilities